Wednesday 14 March 2018

Pointing Fingers

It's easy to find  fault in others, isn't it? I say this because of  having the Billy Graham bashing going on in mind. I must admit that I too have been guilty of straining at gnats while swallowing the camel...however, the saying that when you point out the sins and shortcomings of others you have four fingers pointing back at yourself is so true. In this short video Francis Chan (who also needs forgiveness and God's mercy and grace) gets us back to the basics of what is really the most important thing to know,actually a person and not a thing, Jesus, and His perfect life lived. When we believe IN HIM He forgives us our sins and all our shortcomings. Even with all of his shortcomings I love Pastor Chan.


  1. Praise God that He forgives us of all our sins when we ask Him, even though it was for those very sins that His Son Jesus died on the cross. Knowing this, how can we be so stubborn in holding onto a grudge and refusing to forgive others? Often it is those who remind us most of our own faults that stir up the most anger or judgmental spirit within us. Thanks for sharing this and God bless.

    1. We all fall short of the glory of God...I am reminded of the lesson in 1st Corinthians that says some of us will have all of our works burned up but will ourselves be saved but through fire! God in His mercy paid the price for us to be with Him. Oh for works that could be worthy of showing our thanksgiving, but even so, it is His works, not ours, that is worthy of all praise! 😄


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