Saturday 31 August 2019

Christian Persecution and the Great Falling Away

This morning I watched this YouTube video of a woman who gets it right. She talked about the main reason many are falling away; besides of course the obvious one that many are not even saved at all, the ones that are will show that they are by the fact that they do not remain fallen away, but I digress. Doubt is often the reason these days that many are choosing “the easier way”, doubt and fear, and cowardice to face ridicule, persecution, other people’s’s simply easier to go with the flow of the world, choose the wider road with more people on it, you know the one, it’s the one that leads to destruction. Hang tight to your loved ones, encourage them in the Lord to not be afraid of what’s coming because Jesus already went through it, and He is there for us. Be blessed and keep your armour on, the battle is only just beginning.