Saturday 31 August 2019

Christian Persecution and the Great Falling Away

This morning I watched this YouTube video of a woman who gets it right. She talked about the main reason many are falling away; besides of course the obvious one that many are not even saved at all, the ones that are will show that they are by the fact that they do not remain fallen away, but I digress. Doubt is often the reason these days that many are choosing “the easier way”, doubt and fear, and cowardice to face ridicule, persecution, other people’s’s simply easier to go with the flow of the world, choose the wider road with more people on it, you know the one, it’s the one that leads to destruction. Hang tight to your loved ones, encourage them in the Lord to not be afraid of what’s coming because Jesus already went through it, and He is there for us. Be blessed and keep your armour on, the battle is only just beginning.


  1. I will watch it. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Hi Aritha, we are blessed and very busy 😊 sorry I haven’t blogged much, I get sidetracked...I’ve been on Facebook too much in group pages, but am cutting back on that. Hope all is well in Holland ❤️❤️😉💕💕🌷🌷🌷

    2. Seek me on Facebook :-) Aritha Vermeulen

  2. Hi Susan,
    I actually love talking to people outside about Jesus, it is the Lord Who sets up these times. I was in the dentist waiting room one day, waiting for my husband to have treatment. There was a young lady opposite me and I said to her 'You look familiar to me.' She said 'You spoke to me about Jesus when I was in a queue in Asda.' I then told her that I remembered the time and she said 'I loved listening.' I couldn't remember how the conversation in Asda had come about, but I knew that it had been the Lord's timing. When my husband came into the room I gave the young lady one of the leaflets that the Lord has brought me to put together containing poems and scriptures, and also gave one to another lady in the room that had joined in the conversation. It is amazing how our Lord sets up evangelising. One plants, one waters but it is God Who causes growth - all glory to Him and our Lord Jesus.
    God bless you and I pray that the blog problem will be solved.

    1. Hi Brenda, I agree, the Lord usedmy husband and Ito witness to a young lady, a Mormon, while we were on vacation in Hawaii about a week ago. My husband saw clearly that it was the Lord who brought her to us to witness to her. Pray for Ahwel-ee (not sure of spelling, but that is how she pronounced her name) thank you for your prayers ❤️🙏 Susan


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