Tuesday 1 April 2014

About Memes and Trends


noun: meme; plural noun: memes
an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.

trending now: "Yes, that"

Yeah, ok, slight overdramatization.
When I see "yes, that" I do let out a slightly audible groan, however.

Oh well, back when I used to say "bitchin" (way back, was it the 80's?) or tubular (well actually, I have to confess that I  never got up the nerve to actually say that one) I'm sure I caused some groans and facepalms as well. That just wasn't "cool"....

....That just wasn't "cool"....yes, that.

1 comment:

Please be as gracious as you would like others to be to you. Thank you :)

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