Monday 13 April 2015


Today I had to do a couple of errands so I took a walk and went downtown...and on the way I saw



a nice scene for a future needlepoint project? maybe...

and a reminder....

the beauty of the day was offset 
this reminder
that this world is cursed with 

and then in my own garden...

yellow crocuses

I hope I have purple ones also...
I planted bulbs last fall...
they were a mix of yellow, purple and white...
these are the first to bloom! 
I love them <3

There have been a few things that have been heavy on my mind and heart, but I am still ruminating
over them, perhaps they will be the subject of a post in the near future. In the meantime 
I'll be thankful for these blessings and reminders, and will pray about the other things....

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