Interesting that on February 20th of this month two posts that touched on this topic came to me in my bloggy world travels. DebbieLynne's thoughts on the subject are closer to my own, however Stoned-Campbell Disciple (which I just completed reading this morning) challenged me and made me have to think and pray a little harder on this topic.
Let's not just sit smugly in our own "enlightened" thoughts on any subject, but let's allow ourselves to be challenged, and through the challenge become stronger in the correct convictions (even if perhaps we then need to correct and/or change them, with the correction coming from the Lord and the scriptures). In the second example, the "8 fears" mentioned, are ones that I also have in regards to the trend of how women have taken over the world. But I didn't stop reading there and think to myself "Aha, yes, just as "I" thought. I agree with this so why go any further. I don't need justifications from this blog which will support any views to the contrary." Instead, I wanted to hear this bloggers justifications for why he feels the "8 fears position" is faulty in it's reasoning. Although I must say I didn't change the position I hold to ( of not accepting women in the role of pastor ) it did cause me to think and dig deeper, and to acknowledge the main point this blogger makes (that Paul counsels both men and women to learn in humbleness of mind and heart and that the domineering spirit is equally bad in women and in chauvenistic men---> in THAT I wholeheartedly agree!)
In the end, let us not be too comfortable in our "theological prejudices", but acknowledge that we all need to be submitted to the truth, whether we are male or female, in a quiet and peaceable state of teachableness, all the while sensitive to the discerning guidance of the Holy Spirit who will never forsake us who are His.