Tuesday 21 April 2020

Social Distancing

Please understand that blogger no longer lets me comment so I won’t be able to answer questions in comment section. If a comment or question comes up I might bring it up in a following future blog post.


The past few weeks have been interesting. We have a new phrase, at least I think it’s new....”social distancing” that is keeping most people home these days. So it gives me more time to think about things, pray about things, and catch up with my needlepoint which I hope to finish soon...

I’ve also been binge watching Ray Comfort’s Living Waters Youtube videos....
and also One for Israel’s many testimonies of Jews who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah.

Here’s one that touched my heart deeply:


  1. Susan, what a beautiful testimony, it made me cry. There is nothing that can compare to being born again of God's Holy Spirit and being in the body of Christ. It is the only way we have access to the mind of Christ.
    God bless you for sharing.

  2. I love One for Israel!

    Why does blogger not let you comment? It may be a Settings issue or your email maybe?

    1. I don’t know what I did or how it happened but finally got back into being able to comment and do edits. Yay! Praise God! I think He desires that I get back to blogging. ❤️πŸ™‚


Please be as gracious as you would like others to be to you. Thank you :)

Please try to keep your comments on the topic of the post you are commenting on.

If there is a link to an article or podcast, or if there is an embedded video please view these before airing your views on the posting. If you clearly did not watch video/read link I may choose to not respond to it ...particularly if you have a question that is already answered on link or video.

Opposing viewpoints are of course allowed here as long as the conversation remains civil. If it runs on and on and becomes burdensome and repetitive I will probably lock the comments on that posting. Thank you, I hope we can grow together in a true friendship as God would have it. πŸ™‚