Saturday 13 November 2021

Butternut Squash

  Many people seem to not like squash. Maybe it’s in the name? I myself love squash but had never tried butternut squash. A neighbour down the street from us had a few squashes and pumpkins on their lawn with a sign that said “free”, so I thought “here is my chance to try it”. I brought this one home and looked up several ways of cooking this up and picked out a couple of recipes I thought we would enjoy. 

Do you ever try new things? It is easy to stay in the rut of the familiar, the tried and true. But once in a while it’s nice to be adventurous…perhaps we will discover a new favourite recipe, or just something to change things up a little from time to time.

That is also how I see God’s word, the Bible. We can stay stuck in the rut of only reading our favourite verses or even our favourite book such as the book of Romans, over and over. Although it is good to read those, we also can dig a bit deeper into the less familiar books. We can look up some of the people mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy to familiarize ourselves with their stories. Sometimes we only want to read the happy verses, the promises of the good things that follow those who love the Lord…but it is good to read the warnings and how to cope when things are falling apart all around us too. All are necessary in a recipe for a healthy life in Christ.

Song of Solomon 7:12,13 let us go out early to the vineyards and see whether the vines have budded, whether the grape blossoms have opened and the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give you my love.

 The mandrakes give forth fragrance, and beside our doors are all choice fruits, new as well as old, which I have laid up for you, O my beloved.


  1. Wat een fijne post, Susan. Een heel mooie vergelijking. Vroeger las ik alleen de bekende stukken, die ik begreep. Nu lees ik door hele Bijbelboeken. Met uitleg van diverse bronnen om het beter te begrijpen.

    Zo'n mooie tekst erbij. Hooglied 7

    1. Dank je Rietepiet ❤️ Ik hoop dat je een fijne weekend hebt πŸ™πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Susan,
    All Scripture is inspired, and we can't cherry-pick the verses we prefer to follow. Thanks for the great post and God bless!

    1. Amen Laurie, so true. We need all the spiritual vitamins for our strengthening ❤️

  3. Hi Susan, I was only thinking this morning, as I opened my Bible, that I tend to focus on the scriptures that I have underlined. How lovely that you have put this post up today and I have come over to your blog today to read your post, and to mention that I did not notice your last comment on my blog before today, and have responded to it today. What we think may be the wrong timing is God's perfect timing eh? God bless you Susan.

    1. Hi Brenda, I also underline when something really stands out to me, then when I read through again at a later time I tend to focus on the underlined parts to see what I saw before. Maybe that’s a bad idea? I do enjoy the fact that no matter what you are going through the Bible speaks to those things in life. Thanks for your comment Brenda ❤️

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Ashok, are you living in India? Your architectural designs look nice. Thank you for visiting.


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