It's a terrible addiction and a very bad habit. I'm taking a course in abnormal psychology and this week we are discussing addictions and eating disorders. A big chunk of the discussions and homework deals with nicotine addiction and all the effects and problems associated with smoking. I had to talk about my own experiences on this subject, if I smoked what got me started and have I tried to quit, etc, and if I don't smoke the reasons why I don't, and if I were to do some kind of stop smoking program what would it involve and what group would I target as my target audience. It made me think alot more on the subject and had me looking deeper and further for information.
I found a website that an ex-smoker has up. He gives lectures on the topic of smoking and the physiological effects on lung tissue, the tissue of the mouth, pharynx (throat), and that it even gets into the esophagus (part of the digestive tract). He has scary pictures of black smoker's lungs, and this blackening happens to ALL smokers...
...and he gives demonstrations why this happens with a Palmolive bottle.
He painted DILUTED (not concentrated, like most research studies would do) tars that he collects in his smoking machine....
and paints the diluted tars
onto lab rats every day....60% of these rats get cancer within the year.
Picture of smoker's lung, the white portion is the cancerous part
The GOOD NEWS is that once a person quits smoking, all these bad things begin reversing almost immediately. The little hairs inside the lungs and trachea that are called cilia which were destroyed by smoking are restoring themselves within 3 days of stopping the filthy habit. However once there is a cancer, that is like a point of no return...
This is a picture of a city dweller's lung with the dark portions coming from carbons from air pollution
He makes a very good case for the evils of smoking and why it is a very good idea to quit. Yes, it is very hard to quit, but the Bible promises special blessings to overcomers! You CAN do it, with Jesus' help.