Sunday, 12 February 2012

Wisdom and Foolishness

 This "Know Your Enemy" series is tying up so many loose ends for me, giving more of the evidence for things that I suspected but didn't fully understand. The next video clips are about the movement to replace worship of God with worship of mankind (man being born of a woman, and "wisdom" being given a feminine gender assignment. As a little background, this again ties back to Gaia, Semiramis, Ishtar, etc. and Sophia (which means "wisdom") check out the 6th century Hagia Sophia:

soph·ist  (sfst)
a. One skilled in elaborate and devious argumentation.
b. A scholar or thinker.
2. Sophist Any of a group of professional fifth-century b.c. Greek philosophers and teachers who speculated on theology, metaphysics, and the sciences, and who were later characterized by Plato as superficial manipulators of rhetoric and dialectic.

[Middle English sophiste, from Latin sophista, from Greek sophists, from sophizesthai, to become wise, from sophos, clever.]
 sophist [ˈsɒfɪst]
1. (Philosophy) (often capital) one of the pre-Socratic philosophers who were itinerant professional teachers of oratory and argument and who were prepared to enter into debate on any matter however specious
2. a person who uses clever or quibbling arguments that are fundamentally unsound
[from Latin sophista, from Greek sophistēs a wise man, from sophizesthai to act craftily]
Notice the mentioning of Plato in the above as exposing some of these philosophers to be superficial manipulators...but many of the later "sophists" of the enlightenment refer to Plato's ideas as the basis for their agenda. 

This gives a deeper understanding to the word "sophisticated":
so·phis·ti·cate  (s-fst-kt)

v. so·phis·ti·cat·ed, so·phis·ti·cat·ing, so·phis·ti·cates
1. To cause to become less natural, especially to make less naive and more worldly.
2. To make impure; adulterate.
3. To make more complex or inclusive; refine.
To use sophistry.
n. (-kt)
A sophisticated person.
 [Middle English sophisticaten, to adulterate, from Medieval Latin sophisticre, sophistict-, from Latin sophisticus, sophistic, from Greek sophistikos, from sophists, sophist; see sophist.]
 I love the quotation from Stephen Hawking: "The greatest enemy of true knowledge is not ignorance; it is the ILLUSION OF KNOWLEDGE"


  1. Proverbs tells us to get wisdom, but then again says that with much wisdom is much sorrow. How's that for a paradox?:P

    The word for wisdom in the Greek according to Strong's is .......sophia, and that is used in the Bible many times.

    I suppose the big difference would be the wisdom of the world compared with the wisdom of God, in which there would be a huge difference.

    1. The shortest verse in the Bible also has the greatest punctuation in significance (I think, anyway) in that it reveals so much with so few words:

      "Jesus wept"

      Who is more wise than Jesus? and for Jesus to reveals that He does have emotions, feelings, and that the wisdom that He of course must have, seeing and knowing how man is and being rejected by man, made Him weep.

      The things that Proverbs says about wisdom and about it bringing sorrow, I think it is talking about His true wisdom. As we gain understanding, it opens us to understanding things that are painful to know...and the cross that we need to bear would be unbearable if Jesus were not there to help us carry the load and steady our feet as we continue the journey. The wisdom of this world also does cause sorrow but I think those who are entangled in it won't see it until God opens their understanding to it, so again, it seems it would be true wisdom that brings the sorrow element....?

      Wisdom is personified in the book of Proverbs, but wisdom is not to be worshiped of itself, unless we understand it to be Jesus. The world religions have made mystery the object of their worship and call "her" wisdom, and she is the whore, the false "wisdom", and is not a goddess, she is a demon. That is what this series brought full to my attention. Before it was all just "interesting" and "ancient philosophy" and the startling truth about all of this hadn't really sunk in somehow. These presentations brought all of this out in such a way that I finally see it, I understand it for the dark poisonous evil with a pretty veneer over it, that it is.


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